Weee!  I've just received my new copies of Jack Vance's Lyonesse trilogy - Suldrun's Garden, the Green Pearl, and Madouc.
Yes, I've had these books for years, but Vance is my favourite fantasist, and a writer I hugely admire (as you may come to grow tired of hearing), but these editions are special as they are paperback reprints of the Vance Integral Edition (VIE) editions.
VIE http://www.vanceintegral.com/ was an extraordinary fan project - a 44 book hardback reprint of Vance's entire body of work, including his Ellery Queen stories, with Vance's approval and cooperation, with the intention to restore all the texts to 'definitive' versions, taking into account all manuscripts and reprints etc.  
I bought these from http://www.editionandreasirle.com/, a few copies are left if there are ony other fanbosy/girls out there , they're a little expensive but well short of the $150+ per volume the original VIE hardbacks now command.  There were only 600 sets printed, and I didn't find out about it until it was over so have missed my chance.  The sets are now -outrageously- expensive so I'll have to wait for the premium bonds to come in.
Highly recommended for all fantasy readers.

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